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How to Care For Your Asphalt Driveway

February 22, 2023

According to The Spruce, an asphalt driveway can last up to 15 to 20 years. With this investment considered, it's essential to take care of the surface to increase its lifespan and keep it in pristine condition. While there are different steps required to care for a driveway, depending on climate and lifestyle, there are a few that can be considered universal for each driveway. Read on to get more insight into these steps to ensure you properly care for your driveway.

Brush Off Debris Weekly

With day-to-day living on your driveway, the surface will likely accumulate debris such as dirt, dust, and rocks. To remove this debris effectively, find a heavy-duty brush that'll leave no residue on the driveway's surface. Additionally, if you have lots of sticky mud on the surface, let it dry and brush it off the next day. If it refuses to dry, take out your power washer and remove it quickly. The task of brushing off debris typically needs to be done weekly.

Prevent Leaks

In addition to gasoline and anti-freeze, avoid leaks such as transmission fluid, power steering fluid, and de-icing agents. Due to asphalt being an oil-based material, these leaks will be absorbed into the driveway and cause deterioration. While the best course of action is avoiding spills, accidents can happen. If a leak does occur, you should quickly contact our crack repair services. These easy repair services will prevent further structural damage.

Apply Sealer When Necessary

Applying sealer to the driveway's surface is essential for two main reasons: it preserves the visual aesthetic and maintains the structure's integrity. Due to its importance, a sealing coat should be applied to the driveway when it's one year old. After this initial sealing coat, you should have it done again every two or three years. Make sure to always have this service done by a professional asphalt company.

Avoid Standing Water

Water from sprinkler systems, rainfall, and snow can accumulate on your driveway's surface and remain there for quite some time until it evaporates. This standing water can cause various structural issues like cracks and potholes. In light of this, you must have adequate draining around your driveway to avoid standing water.

If you have an
asphalt driveway, ensure that you properly care for it to maintain a visually pleasing appearance and structural integrity! Contact us today at McNally's Asphalt Services to get started!

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